Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Article: Use of Social Media Evidence in Workers' Compensation Litigation

Professor Gregory M. Duhl and attorney Jaclyn Millner recently made available on SSRN a draft of their article that will be published in the Pace Law Review; it's focused on the use of social networking evidence in workers' compensation litigation.

From the paper's abstract:
. . . In this article, we examine how social networking has influenced workers’ compensation law, looking at, in particular, the intersection of professional responsibility, discovery, privacy, and evidence with social networking in state workers’ compensation systems.
What a timely topic!  I look forward to reading it, and hope you find it informative.  Thanks to Professor Duhl for bringing this to my attention!


  1. Does anybody know where I can find this full article or when is the new volume coming out?

  2. You can get the draft by clicking the linked text "a draft of their article" within my post.
